We look forward to seeing our returning families and welcoming new ones. This year, we will see various changes in the program. Changes to the program have been added below. Please familiarize your family with all of the information regarding the program, both old and new. GRCS is committed to providing a safe and enriching experience for your child(ren).
Before care hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 am – 8:25 am. If school has a delayed opening, before care will be closed.
After care hours: Monday through Friday, from dismissal until 6:30 pm.
After Care will be open on certain scheduled half days/early dismissal. If the school closes early due to inclement weather or for any other reason, after care will be closed.
Scheduled early dismissal days:
October 14, 2024 - pickup by 6:30 pm.
November 27, 2024 - pickup by 4:00 pm.
December 4th and 5th, 2024 - no after care.
March 10, 2025 - pickup by 6:30 pm.
June 24, 2025 - no after care.
Each before or after care program has a Lead Caregiver and is supported by Assistant(s) when necessary. Our exceptional staff has many combined years of experience in the program. Staff members are committed to providing a safe and caring environment. Our staff is First Aid, CPR, AED and Epi-Pen trained. Staff are also aware and trained on new procedures regarding COVID protocols, etc.
Site Lead Contacts:
Security and safety is a priority in the before and after care program. Parents are not allowed in the building for 2024-2025 related to before and after care.
Parents will receive an email before the start of the year to find out the exact drop off location for before care and pick up for after care for their specific building.
Each location will have their own pickup procedure and this will be emailed to parents. Parents should be located outside of the door for pickup. Parents and caregivers are not allowed in the building. Students cannot be walked to a car. Parents and caregivers are required to sign out their child.
Each site will be cleaned prior to use and after use with the appropriate cleaning supplies and checkpoints that the staff has been educated on.

The before and after care program is a full school year program. GRCS has specified dates for registering, as staffing and planning are essential for the success of the program. Late fees and late registration fees are charged due to changes in staffing.
Payment and Payment Types: Ten payments are required per year, one each month, from September (collected at Registration) through June. Fees are based on the school year, not the number of days in each month. Monthly payments are not reduced because of a child’s illness, other absence, school holidays, school breaks or weather related closings. Tuition is not prorated. Payment is required by the 5th of the month. GRCS accepts American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa. Families are required to be enrolled in the Automatic Bill Pay program, unless other arrangements have been made with the Director.
If school is closed due to any circumstances, outside of planned closings, I/We understand that our before and/or after care tuition will not be refunded if school is closed for up to 5 consecutive school days. I/We will be refunded for day 6 (the 6th consecutive day of closure) and any consecutive days after that school is closed due to unplanned closures. Families will be reimbursed based on pro-rating their schedules, as some students attend the program for less than 5 days a week. Reimbursement will be in the form of credits on the family Community Pass account. Unless this occurs in the month of June and then a credit card refund or check will be issued.
In the event that a lawsuit is filed to collect the outstanding balance, you agree to reimburse the Glen Rock Community School for all costs and expenses incurred in seeking collection of the amount due, including the reimbursement of reasonable attorney’s fees.
Registration Fee: A non-refundable $75 per family registration fee is required when signing up for the program each school year. This fee applies to new and returning students.
Total Fees due at Registration: Registration fee and September tuition (non-refundable).
Late Payment Fee: A $25 late fee will be assessed on any payment received after the 5th of the month. If payments are routinely received after the 5th of each month, children may be asked to leave the program.
If payment is made by check or cash, and the 5th of any month falls on a weekend, holiday, or school break, payment must be received (not postmarked) by the last business day prior to the 5th.
Change to registration: Schedule changes may be made to before and after care. All Changes must be completed using the Change Form online, and there is a $35 change fee. Changes may not be made via phone, email or mail. See the chart under Registration for when changes can be made.
Re-Entry Fee: If your child was registered in the program and withdrawn in the same school year, and you would like to have your child re-enter the program, there is a $35 change or re-entry fee.
Returned check fee: Families will be charged $35 per returned eCheck or Check. After the second returned check, only a credit card will be accepted as a form of payment.
Discounts: Due to program costs we can no longer offer staff discounts or sibling discounts.
Refunds: No refunds, credits or makeup dates are given due to closings*, illness, vacation, activities, withdrawal from the program, etc.
* See bolded area in this section.
Monthly Program Fees for 2024- 2025: After Care
# of Days per week
After Care
Pick up by 6:30 PM
$80 |
Monthly Program Fees for 2024- 2025: Before Care
# of Days per week
Before Care
7:00 AM - School Start
$45 |
Registration is ongoing beginning July 15th, 2024 and can be made online.
Please see below for more details on start dates and fees.
Registrations between July 15, 2024 and September 30, 2024
Registration fee of $75 per family
Begin program first day of school
Once school starts, entrance to program
First Tuition payment
July 15 - August 27
First day of school
September tuition
Between August 27 - September 30
Yes |
October 1st
October tuition
Registrations between October 1, 2024 and June of 2025
***Due to facility and staff planning, we will only be offering the following entry points into the program and deadlines to register:
Chart below reflects when new entrants can come into/return to the program. This chart also reflects when changes can be made.
Register by/Submit changes:
Enter the program/changes can go into effect:
Sept. 30 - Oct. 11 |
Mon., October 14 (charged half month)
Oct. 14 - Oct. 25 |
Mon., Nov. 11
Nov. 11 - Nov. 27 |
Mon., Dec. 2 |
Dec. 2 - Dec. 13
Mon., Dec. 16 (charged half month) |
Dec. 16 - Dec. 20 |
Thurs., Jan 2 |
Jan. 2 - Jan. 14 |
Wed., Jan 15 (charged half month) |
Jan. 15 - 24 |
Mon., Feb. 3 |
Jan. 27 - Feb. 14 |
Wed., Feb. 19 (charged half month) |
Feb. 10 - 26 |
Wed., March 1 |
Feb. 27 - March 8 |
Tues., March 15 (charged half month) |
March 9 - March 21 |
Mon., April 1 |
March 22 - April 10 |
Mon., April 15 (charged half month) |
April 11 - 26 |
Mon., May 1 |
April 27 - May 10 |
Mon., May 15 (charged half month) |
May 11 - 24 |
Thurs., June 1 |
Student Info Changes: All contact information, pick up authorizations and medical changes, must be placed in writing and emailed to [email protected].
Change to registration (including Re-entry): Schedule changes may be made to before and after care. All Changes must be completed using the Change Form on www.grcsonline.com
Exceptions to changes and prorated tuition are not available. A $35 fee will be assessed on all changes and re-entry into the program.
***Due to facility and staff planning, we will only be offering changes to schedules on the above dates in the above chart.
There is no fee to withdraw. All Changes must be completed using the Change Form. Requests to withdraw must be submitted no later than the 25th of the preceding month or the Friday prior if the 25th falls on a weekend or holiday, otherwise you will be charged for your next tuition payment. Students may only leave the program at the end of the month. No refunds or partial refunds are given.

Parents will receive an email before the start of the year to find out the exact drop off location for before care and pick up for after care for their specific building.
Drop Off at Before Care: TBD more information will be provided in the summer.
Pick Up at After Care: Each after care location has its own procedure that will be emailed to parents. Parents should be located outside of the door for pickup. Parents and caregivers are not allowed in the building. Students cannot be walked to a car.
On Time Pick Up: Please be punctual when picking up your child. If you realize you will be late please send your emergency contact or authorized adult. If you do not pick up by 6:30 pm, the staff will try to contact you, and then call your emergency contact. If your child is picked up after 6:30 pm (based on your pick up time), we will assess you a late fee of $3 per minute according to the sign out tablet clock. In extreme cases, contact will be made to the Division of Child Permanency and Protection or the Glen Rock Police. If tardiness is ongoing, your child may be withdrawn from the program.
Pick Up Note: We ask parents to not pick up students in after care until at least 30 minutes after the start of the program. We will have a check in process for after care that will be specific and take time. If a child needs to be picked up for a doctor's appointment in the first 30 minutes of after care, we ask parents to pick up their child at dismissal.
The time you pick up your child is recorded in their account. Attendance is taken via Community Pass.
Pick Up Authorization: Parents must inform the program caregivers, preferably 24 hours in advance via email if an another adult will pick up their child, who is not listed on the emergency contact or pick up list. We do not release children to adults who are not on the list or who we were not notified of being able to pick up the child. If someone other than you or your emergency contact/authorized pickup person is picking up your child, they must provide photo identification. If anyone is not permitted to pick up your child, we must receive that in writing. If a court order exists affecting your child’s arrangements, we must have a copy on file in order to comply.
Please use email to report an absence. Telephone extensions will be used for other purposes.
Emergency Contacts: These are required for registration. It is of utmost importance that your emergency contacts are located nearby in order to reach the school quickly in an emergency. They must be someone other than a parent and kept up to date. The emergency contact must provide proof of identification when picking up. Emergency contacts who are listed must be willing to pick up a child, even if the child has a fever or exhibits any other symptoms of illness.
In Case of Emergency: If a child has a serious accident, the Glen Rock Police Department and Volunteer Ambulance Corps will be contacted first, then the parent, then the emergency contact if necessary. If a child appears ill, we will call the parent/guardian first then the emergency contact.
New information is coming out on a regular basis so the list of activities that students may engage in at before and after care may change throughout the year. Students will have as much outdoor time as possible. Please make sure students are dressed appropriately each day for the weather. Students will have time to work on homework and other individual projects.
After care does not provide snack, so it may be brought from home. We are a nut free program. Please inform the site staff and community school of all allergies.
With written permission from parents, children may attend on-site clubs or other after school activities. The after care leader must receive the child’s schedule prior to the day of the activity.
Staff members are not permitted to administer medication under any circumstances, with the exception of an EpiPen. The community school office and your child’s primary caregiver in the program must be advised if your child has an EpiPen.
A current EpiPen must be provided to the program and kept on site. Even if your child has an EpiPen on file with the school nurse, we must have duplicate materials since we do not have access to the nurse’s office during our hours of operation.
Cell phones, iPads, computers, Apple watches, GizmoGadget or other technology are not allowed at before and after care. Children are required to keep all technology in their backpack. If students have the devices out, they will be asked to return the items to their backpack. Should a student want to contact a parent with one of these devices, the student should ask the Lead Caregiver for assistance. Cameras or other videotaping devices are not allowed at before and after care.
Due to confidentiality rules, we must receive written permission from parents in order to receive information from Special Education Services for applicable children. While those same services are not available in the before and after care program, it is important that the program leadership is aware of any special needs when registering children, so we may provide them with the best possible experience in our program. Please call the community school office and ask to speak directly with the Manager.
All student
information is held confidentially. If you have any questions regarding
confidentiality, please contact the program Manager.